Sunday, August 12, 2007

donuts & life and everything within.......

First there was donut factory then there’s e-donuts, donuts this & donuts that. Okay, not really but still. This donut frenzy is way overrated. Like bubble tea, I believe soon it will all be over and all these donut shops would be pulling their shutters down and losing lots of money. It is crazy to queue up for hours just to get 4278493058 calories into our bodies. What’s so great about it anyway? Donuts have always been around but no one really took notice of it. Then just one newspaper review and *poof poof poof poof* donuts are selling like hot cakes. Every time I think of popping a donut into my mouth, the image of how a donut is cooked- in gallons of oil that is, comes to my mind. And I can’t help but get a nauseating feeling in me. Maybe once in a blue blue moon, it’s okay. But to chomp down a dozen of donuts at a go is rather sick. Ah wells, to each it’s own.

Enough about donuts already, the calories seem to haunt. Let’s talk about life. Life is good, unfair, amazing, stupid, meaningless, and meaningful and the list goes on and on. Well, to me life itself is an oxymoron- if I could even put it that way. There are always two sides to everything and life is no exception. For every one rich & happy man out there, there’s bound to be another suffering from poor health and wealth. Nothing is ever perfect. And I hate to admit the fact that people are never satisfied. Never.

Why do people like to complain so much when they already have everything? “Oh, my job sucks!” “Oh, life is so unfair, she gets to drive a Mercedes while I have to take public transport” “I’m 14 years old and my boyfriend just broke up with me” yada yada yada. Gosh, I wonder when people would actually stop thinking me this, me that, I this and I that and actually look at others and the world around them. Their matters are nothing compared to the millions who are suffering from poverty &diseases and what not. People are too self-centered I find. Maybe when they stop looking at themselves and start caring for others will be when they will feel contented and needless to say, happy. I came across this quote which was rather meaningful. It goes like this “when one door closes, another opens. But we often look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us”. It is so true. Why is it so difficult for people to let go of the past, of things that is bothering them, of all the unhappy thoughts? Aren’t they aware that only when they let go and learn how to forgive and forget then will they actually be happy and feel that life is actually quite good. Bearing grudges and holding to bad pasts/ thoughts is not healthy at all. And when a person is so occupied with all these negative energy in them, it actually reflects on their faces and in their actions; those grumpy ugly faces and demanding & domineering attitudes. I pity them, really.

Live life to the fullest! Appreciate everything and everyone. Life is so unpredictable and you never ever know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Live only for today and be burdened by only today’s’ problems. Let go of yesterdays and wait until tomorrow to hold its burdens. For every obstacle you face think about the people who have encountered worst tragedies than you; maybe that obstacle won’t seem so bad after all.

Everything happens for a reason. So don’t ever question it. You might not get immediate answers and it doesn’t really matter because the answer will come to you when time is up. You don’t have to know your purpose in life. Just live it that way you want. Life is too short, take it easy. There’s a saying that everytime a person is on his/her deathbed, before they die their whole life would flash through their mind. Won’t it be sad that along the way in that flashback, the number of regrets you encounter is uncountable? Never ever regret your actions. If you have done something there must be a reason for it. If it was a rash decision, then learn from it. Don’t complain, don’t regret and what not because there is no way to ever turn back the hands of time.

Guess I’ve said enough. Hope this entry got you all thinking. It definitely got me thinking. And made me appreciate whatever I’ve got even more.

“Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.” – Democritus-
peace and more cheese,
The Girl Next Door.

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