Friday, May 29, 2009

When darkness takes over the light
When there's not much left to live for in life
When the future is all too bleak
& when you feel like, you're nothing but weak

It's easy to fall into the devil's plane
Having thoughts tailored the devil's way
But it's times like that, the one above says
"Have faith in me, I will make a way"

He will make a way; yes he will.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sometimes ignorance rings true ;
But hope is not in what I know ;
Not in me,
It's in You


Sunday, May 24, 2009

"Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades.
Never-ending, your glory goes beyond all fame. "

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Death may seem to be the easiest way out;
But we do not understand that to some, it’s the ONLY way out.
People will mourn once you’re gone,
But in time to come, they’ll probably move on.

Pardon the talk of such morbid thoughts,
At times one just feels too distraught.
Too much pressure from the outside world,
All these thoughts, nothing more but a blur.

If only I could just end it all here.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Seeing disappointment in someone's eyes is never easy;
especially so when that person had high hopes of you.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

I had a thought or rather a revolution if you may call it.
I finally understand why it is so easy for some christians to back slide and lose faith in the one above.

When prayers are not answered and people are not given what they have prayed for,
they just lose complete faith. They start doubting God's presence, they blame the one above and they just go back to believing in the ways of the world.

But what they do not realise is that, God, probably has better things in stored for them. Maybe what they have prayed for was not something that was meant for them or could have even brought them harm. But no, that's not what they'll consider. It's so easy to forsake Him and just push the blame to him.

How many actually knows that God will work in his time. & that he has such great plans in stored for us. Why is it so so so so easy to succumb to the ways and thoughts of human nature & the world. Why is it so difficult to keep the faith?

and only one question remains, why.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm in love with everything about this song including the video.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

If there's always room for improvement,
will there then ever be room for contentment?