Friday, July 24, 2009

Dear God,

Can you hear me? Millions pray to you, but I know you have the power and ability to hear me.


Dear God,

I need you to help me. There are so many things in life that I cannot do right. All I need is for you to help me do one thing that’s right. Will you help me?


Dear God,

Thank you for surrounding me with wonderful people all my life. I am tired of always disappointing those around me. Can you help me live up to their expectations? Can you help me live up to my own?


Dear God,

Thank you for the wonderful family that I have. My father, like you, never gives up on me when I fail. My mother, the best one can ever have. And my brothers, the best gift I have received. Lord, will you help me make them proud of me? I am tired of failing and I am tired of seeing them disappointed yet trying their best to encourage me.


Dear God,

I apologise for the surge of emotions. I listen hard for the answers; I look hard for the light. But I still feel like I’m doing something wrongly because I can’t seem to hear you.


Dear God,

 I need you. 

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